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Yen Chu Clinic Fertility Treatments


Acupuncture has been found to have several benefits for fertility, including regulating menstrual cycles, improving ovarian and uterine function, and reducing stress levels. By stimulating specific acupuncture points, we aim to balance the body's energy flow and address any underlying imbalances contributing to fertility issues. Many couples who struggle with infertility turn to acupuncture to improve their chances of conceiving naturally or as a supportive therapy alongside conventional fertility treatments.


Our treatment is designed to enhance your body's ability to conceive and promote the quality of eggs and embryos, resulting in the healthiest possible development of the foetus and baby. Additionally, our approach focuses on creating a harmonious balance between both partners, unifying them as a single working unit to create new life. Finally, our program is dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of both mother and baby throughout pregnancy and beyond.




We offer four stages of treatment, starting from preparation to post-pregnancy. Clients can pay for each treatment at every visit or opt for our stage plans, which provide a discount for signing up to each stage from the outset. Choosing our stage plans is more advantageous as it demonstrates a commitment to the entire process, leading to more effective treatments.



Yen Chu Clinic Fertility Treatments

STAGE 1:  Body Preparation 


Duration: 3 months


During the weekly clinic visits, the couple will receive the most intensive treatment period. The initial consultation will include an assessment as well as acupuncture, and Dr. Chen will prescribe specific herbal remedies while providing advice on dietary habits. It is critical that both partners abstain from alcohol during this three-month period, as it can have an impact on the quality of sperm and embryos, which go through a three-month cycle of change. The quality of sperm can be influenced by factors such as age, health, diet, and alcohol consumption. This treatment is designed to enhance the energy and balance of the body, optimising the chances of a successful outcome. The couple is encouraged to work together as a team.

Yen Chu Clinic Fertility Treatments

STAGE 2:  Inception


Duration: 3 months


We begin the inception phase in the fourth month and have allocated three months for this phase, providing three chances to fertilize the embryo. To complement the female cycle, the treatment frequency will be once every two weeks throughout the menstrual cycle. This means that the first session will align with the start of the female's period, followed by ovulation two weeks later and another period two weeks after that. The male partner will also receive the same treatment, which will bring the couple together both physically and psychologically, while promoting the creation of healthy sperm.

Yen Chu Clinic Fertility Treatments

STAGE 3:  Pregnancy


Duration: 9 months


Stage three commences once the inception is successful, regardless of which month it occurs. During pregnancy, the female partner will require monthly treatment that will continue throughout the nine months. Once the pregnancy is complete, the female partner will be the only one requiring treatment, and the herbal prescriptions will be gradually reduced or stopped altogether. However, the partner may choose to continue with the treatment as a means of providing support.

Yen Chu Clinic Fertility Treatments

STAGE 4:  Post-Pregnancy


Duration: 3 months


The post-pregnancy period is crucial for both the mother and the baby's health. If the mother is breastfeeding, it can significantly impact the baby's nutrition. After delivery and nurturing the fetus, a mother's body can become depleted, requiring revitalization. Monthly acupuncture treatments are recommended during this period, along with herbal prescriptions for the first two weeks. This treatment is crucial for the long-term care of the mother and can significantly reduce menopause-related issues. Studies have shown that treatment during this period can lead to improved long-term health. The recommended treatment duration is three months after breastfeeding, followed by a final course of herbal prescriptions lasting approximately one to three months.

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