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TCM works most effectively when acupuncture and herbal prescriptions are used in tandem with each other.

In most cases, our treatments include acupuncture, medicinal herbal prescriptions, cupping and, on occasion, tuina.


While nothing in medicine is definitive, we can usually estimate how long the patient needs to receive treatment for.  Some ailments, such as tinnitus, can take a year of treatment, while sciatica could possibly be treated in a few weeks.


With areas such as IVF treatment, we believe that our treatment works best when both parents utilise TCM.


Acupuncture is the use of micro thin flexible needles inserted a short distance into the skin, while the patient lies on a therapy table. When applied in very specific locations, they unblock the Chi - or body energy system - and allow the body to operate and heal naturally. 


The treatment usually lasts for 40 minutes.  We often recommend performing two acupuncture sessions directly after one another, with a change of acupuncture points immediately after the initial 40 minutes. 


Therefore the total session is approximately 90 minutes.  At the end of the session we may then prescribe herbal prescriptions to be taken across the following week.


Medicinal Herbal Prescriptions

Herbal remedies come in three forms:


  • A powder that can be dissolved in hot water (like instant coffee)


  • Tablets


  • A coarse tea formula that is boiled every day and drunk like a broth

Medicinal Herbs

Cupping and Tuina

Acupuncture is the use of micro thin flexible needles inserted a short distance into the skin, while the patient lies on a therapy table. When applied in very specific locations, they unblock the Chi - or body energy system - and allow the body to operate and heal naturally. 


The treatment usually lasts for 40 minutes.  We often recommend performing two acupuncture sessions directly after one another, with a change of acupuncture points immediately after the initial 40 minutes. 


Therefore the total session is approximately 90 minutes.  At the end of the session we may then prescribe herbal prescriptions to be taken across the following week.

Cupping & Tuina

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment please get in touch

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